Sunday, May 10, 2020

Spring Outdoor Activities

Now that you are spending more time outside since the days are longer,  think of all the different games you can play.  Try and name as many as you can.  I can think of a few examples: Frisbee, Badminton, Hopscotch, Four-Square, Kickball...

It definitely feels like Spring!  Warmer weather, more sunlight, it makes me want to be outside.  This week we are focusing on an outdoor game that you can play by yourself or with a partner.

Our game is Hopscotch:

Hopscotch helps children to manage body rhythm, which is the core of numerous other skills. Movements involved build body strength, balance, eye/hand coordination and more. 

To begin you will need to make a hopscotch court.  You can do this with chalk, tape or a stick to etch it in the dirt.  I prefer to make 10 squares(and you can use the number 10 area as a "rest").  You will also need an object to toss, such as a stone. 

There are various ways to make a hopscotch court,  just use your imagination or stick with the basic style. 

View the following links to see how to make one and how to play.

Challenge members of your family to a game!!!

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